Trish and Stewart operate Bohemian Ceramics, a short run production studio located in Palmyra. Their current work is Maiolica Production Ware and one off unique pieces, decorated by Trish and thrown by Stewart. 

The Maiolica Domestic Ware draws its influences from the traditions of both the Middle East and Europe but is designed to reflect a Western Australian Mediterranean lifestyle. Maiolica is an earthenware style that involves the colour being applied to an unfired tin based glaze and fusing them together during the gloss firing to 1100c. The technique is demanding and involves painstaking attention to detail during both the making of the bisque ware and the glazing and decorating.

The resulting work is both classical, (blue and white) or flamboyant (Turkish and Italian designs). Maiolica or versions of it (delft, faience) has been used as kitchen and decorative ware throughout Europe since its introduction from North Africa around the 9th century. Stewart and Trish use only Australian materials. The range of work includes bowls, cups, plates, jars, jugs, hand basins, tiles, table tops and fountains. The maiolica is available at outlets around Western Australia and several major pieces have been sold overseas. Stewart and Trish are constantly assessing their studio practice with a view to improving both the technical and aesthetic aspects of their work.