Stewart and Trish Scambler have worked from a studio in Palmyra, Western Australia since 1992. Prior to that Stewart operated Makaiigama pottery in Serpentine Western Australia.

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Reflecting the environs of nearby Fremantle the studio is built in a somewhat Mediterranean style with limestone and red brick dominating the courtyard area. The studio uses natural, and as much as possible, recycled materials. A major portion of the studio power is provided from solar panels whilst the remainder is sourced as green power.

The notions of sustainability are carried into the discipline of using only Australian materials and where possible Australian made equipment.

Although all the work is produced in the Palmyra studio, the woodfired portion is transported to their York property for firing. York, in the wheatbelt, is approximately 130km inland from Palmyra. The York property has the Kiln and a small building that is also solar powered and uses only collected rainwater.

The wood used in the kiln is replaced by planting in excess of 100 trees each year. What was originally purchased as a bare block now resembles natural bushland crowded with small birds and animals. Trish grows the trees from seed collected in the environs of the property.

Wood firing is only possible for a small portion of the year so we produce a range of maiolica domestic ware, tiles and commissioned pieces. The maiolica is produced jointly with Stewart throwing and Trish decorating all of the pieces. 
This work is all fired in an electric kiln at the Palmyra studio